Paths to a society of solidarity
“We could imagine the end of the world rather than the end of capitalism,” says British cultural scientist Mark Fisher. True, but that should change. Whether in front of the bucket wheel excavators in Lützerath or on farms managed in solidarity, in housing projects or in the “Deutsche Wohnen enteignen” campaign: the idea of a communally organized way of life and economy oriented towards the common good is spreading more and more and is even celebrating success. What does it take? For the economy to serve the common good instead of increasing profits, we must all be able to participate in shaping it. To achieve this, private corporations must be transformed into democratically organized common property. In other words: We want to socialize! And in Bavaria too! At the conference “vergesellschaftet Bayern - Wege in eine solidarische Gesellschaft”, we would like to discuss with you how this could happen. In presentations and workshops, we will develop proposals for a better tomorrow based on solidarity and climate justice. We will talk about new forms of care work and the fair use of common goods. We are thinking in small steps. Socializing a notoriously conservative region like Bavaria will be difficult enough, but it is not impossible - just think of the history of the Bavarian Soviet Republic.
orga crew
This conference is organized exclusively on a voluntary basis by individuals and organizations.
A conference costs money. Since we do not want to charge a fixed entrance fee, we are dependent on sponsorship and donation. Thank you all for your support.